Saturday, 27 May 2017

Inspire yourself


Thursday, 25 May 2017

Good or bad

Bad or good
No one here is bad or good cause when we don't get what we want we start saying wrong things to God and even when we get good then we praise God it's same with every  human being when whatever we want from them we don't get then he or she Is bad for you and if he or she does it for you then they are good... it's all about there souls some have pure soul some have greedy soul... pure soul does not have any expectation of getting it back in Sam way the way they give love... but greedy soul always keep on expecting on every work done for anyone and whenever they say I did  for him or her its totally wrong he did for himself so that he will be also helped whenever needed.. just think for this all everything has a reason everything is a reason.... 

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Door to your success

            Door to success really?
If you will find for yourself the door of success only, then you are going to reach till it.. but unless and until you work for it so hard without any greed just by keeping one expectation...  from yourself...  of getting that success or goal.... by focusing on it and by crossing every obstacle and failure In between should not let you down... make that obstacles and failures your strength to reach till your goal and definitely you will get over it... don't let you down in front of your problems... be strong enough to face everything and then "GET READY TO SEE YOURSELF SHINNING"

Monday, 15 May 2017


What is wasting time?When you start working for your goal and during your work you go through many problems and that problems are as obstacles in you and your goals so we keep on just  over thinking that problems and you find no way out..  that "TIME is the most precious and valuable"  but you "waste it in overthinking" though if it takes long time to complete but working on that problem on that TIME is much better than wasting TIME and stop yourself from achieving your goal. Solve the TIME complications get known to value of TIME now so your TIME will be appreciated later......

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Mothers day

Having a mother is something beyond every happiness she is the one who love us unconditionally she is the one who don't expect anything from u she is the one who stands by your side whenever you feel low,  she is the one who's name comes in our mouth whenever we get hurt,  her care for us sometimes we don't understand and we sometimes scream over her but the only thing is she loves you the most "SHE IS THE PERFECT DEFINITION OF LOVE"
Don't just remember or value her on mother's day only... but give her that value and love daily and on mothers day make her feel special....

Yes thoughts were killing

There people were in to end up by getting Over in which way to kill . In addition loved ones were being part of it . They joined in ver...